Annabel Lee Geocache
Annabel Lee
Congratulations of finding our Annabel Lee Geocache!
Written in 1849, “Annabel Lee” was the last complete poem by the great American poet Edgar Allan Poe. In the poem the narrator describes his undying love for Annabel Lee, so much so that even after her death they claim to still be together. We put our own arrangement to these haunting lyrics after first hearing the version sung by Sarah Jarosz. We always love playing this one live. In 2018 we recorded a live video of this following our win with Hands Up for Trad, with help of sought after videographer Sandy Butler and recording engineer Mattie Foulds.
You can listen to the song in full above and please let us know what you think in the comments below and with the hashtag #eabhal on social media.
Let others know what you thought of the music, the geocache, the view, anything you like. Where are you heading next? Any hints for finding the cache?